Fall is such a beautiful time of year that I hate to be inside. Unless it is raining, of course. This year our fall has been fabulous! Warm sunshine, no coats, beautiful colors and leaves on the ground. Maybe God gave us a beautiful fall this year because most of the summer it rained. However it worked out I am grateful for the time outside.
When fall comes there are activities that I like to do every year. I am a creature of habit so even if it is cold, or starting to get cold I still try to squeeze them in. Do you ever feel like that? There are things you still want to do and not let the weather stop you. That is how I feel about it sometimes. My list is not going away so I just work on it, with a coat.
10 Quick Things To Do In The Fall:
- Wash outside windows. Tip: Use 2 teaspoons of Dawn dishsoap, and one bucket of water. Use a squeegee and they will not smear or streak. Using this solution will make the job quick and efficient. Not time consuming.
- Rake the leaves. Have a leaf raking game with your family. Whoever gets the most bags will win a milkshake. My kids are still small so the milkshake is a big reward for them.
- Build a leaf hill and jump in it. Yes, mom and dad too.
- Clean your house for fall… this is when small insects, spiders, and critters like to come inside. I vacuum a lot of them up! (not the critters).
- Get straw for animals, a garden, or flower beds. Straw can go everywhere to insulate for winter. This quick tip will keep everything warm and winterized. I keep straw in the dog houses instead of blankets.
- Clean out the garage and put the bikes up. Maybe do a little organizing and buy a bike rack to store them for the winter. We bought a large cover and cut it down to put over several items that we do not want a lot of dust on this winter from the garage. For example, our double stroller and wagon. It may get used from time to time but we do not want a ton of dust or dirt on them.
- Sweep the porch and put away all furniture or cover it for the winter. If you have a fire pit get it winter ready.
- Cut down all flowers and pull weeds. Get flower beds for ready for winter. Maybe take all of the leaves that you raked and place them over the flower beds. Leaves do help to insulate flowers.
- Put together a list of crafts, glue, coloring books and activities that can be done with the kids inside. Go ahead and get all of that stuff ready and organized. The dollar tree is a great place to get crafts and coloring books really cheap.
- Sweep the front porch, clean the porchlight, and buy some candy there are kids that will be coming around soon asking if you have any!
Everything on this list is attainable over a weekend. Thisquick list helps me to have some fun with the kids, but also train them to plan ahead for next year in our home.. It is a rite of passage to teach them how to care for a home inside and out and might help them when they own a home. I hope.
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Now I want to go jump in a leaf pile 🙂
Around here the “wash the outside of the windows” thing is absolutely necessary! My first winter in Wyoming I tried to do in January! Guess what? Windex WILL freeze to a window! 🙂
Yes, Windex does freeze on the windows. I used to have a cleaning business and found that out the hard way on a client’s front door. My solution was to try Vinegar and water, or skip the outside~