Planning is great. Matter of fact I plan almost everything. Being prepared is very important, but so is being flexible. Sometimes as parents we have a vision, but our children do not have the same vision. They quickly go a different direction and off the course of the plan.
For a mom like me that used to rock my world because then I was on uncharted territory. When I started homeschooling it was very easy because all of the curriculum came with its own lesson plan. School was pretty quick and smooth. My second oldest was in kindergarten and it was smooth sailing.
Then I realized this year that sometimes we do not always follow or keep up with the lesson plan, and that is where being flexible helps. Why? Because they each learn a different way and have an interest in different subjects. My forcing lessons or having a written plan did not mean they would get finished. It meant that day if all was not complete then someone…me or child was unhappy.
Have a plan, but make it adjustable. Find the really important sections that need to be finished. If they are doing super in math or reading then skip them ahead a few chapters to see if the content gets harder. If it is easy then it has been mastered.
Take a break. If your state has a certain day requirement like ours just adjust and maybe give up some time on spring break to have a few free days in the winter.
Try to set up the lesson plan a little differently for example go through a day’s lesson with the children, then have them complete one on their own. That way 2 lessons’ get done in the hour. Be quick to realize when enough is enough though, and if it is too much take a break and come back.
Do Lesson Planning Daily. Sometimes when the year gets a little bit off track I am able to get back on track when I start taking the lessons day by day. That makes the lesson go more quickly, more flexible, and less frustration from mom and child. Step back and if they are really good at something let them do a couple of lessons. If it is a subject they struggle in, tutor them and do the lesson…just one.
Bring in a new teacher. By that I mean a friend, grandparent, or older sibling. It gives you a break and they may give a different spin on the subject. There may be a few stories they share or some other way of relating the material without a physical plan, or book.
Each year before school starts I do have a planning session and if a quick adjustment through the year needs to be made then that is what I do. What is your strategy? Do you continue on with plans?
Michelle Knight
Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful post. Thanks for supplying this
Thank you for stopping by. I am happy you love it.
I use unit studies when I get off track. We really like
Next year I will be implementing unit studies. They were a little scary at first because I have never worked one with the kids.