Looking back I remember the days when I used cloth diapers for my children. Those baby memories were and still are fondly remembered. even all of the late night diaper changes. In addition to the memories is the sweet recollection of the start on my frugal home household journey.
From cloth diapers to gardening I am still on that journey to make our home a useful, no waste, frugal home that encourages money saving and contentment.
Advantages of Cloth Diapers
I have been using cloth diapers in our frugal home since I discovered them with my third child. For him, I even used them at night. They did not work as well, but I also did not use the new button or velcro. The plastic cover was all I could afford as a frugal home mom, AND I even used the old fashioned pins. Saving money to stay at home with my babies made the sacrifice worthy.
It did not make sense for me to go and spend $20 per diaper cover on new ones. But, now I have a friend who owns a consignment shop and she got me hooked on the diaper covers. That is what I used with my fourth son. I did invest in new covers and inserts but this time I spent $200 dollars. It does sound like a lot, but they have paid for themselves in the first year.
Cleaning Cloth Diapers
Cleaning frugal home cloth diapers is not as scary as it sounds. By the time you finish your fourth load, there is a good system in place. As long as they are washed on a regular basis, the smell is not bad. I used a cloth diaper pail with a lid. Small trash cans work well. Next, I washed the diapers every other day. Then folded them and re-used every other day. I did purchase enough diapers and inserts to hold me over a 48hour period.
I make our laundry soap. Homemade products are convenient and give this frugal home mom peace of mind. No long names or scary ingredients. This is what I used to clean the cloth diapers. My homemade laundry soap worked well. No bleach was used, or harsh chemicals. For stains, I pretreated with Dawn dish soap and rinsed well. Cleaning is a task, but easily handled.
Easy to Use in a Frugal Home
The velcro and button frugal home cloth diapers are SUPER simple to use. I really prefer the velcro because they adjust really well to all kinds of growth spurts etc. The buttons adjust well, but they start to fit snug around the legs as baby grows.
They Work Fine In Diaper Bags:
Some have said, and in the past I have noticed a very full diaper bag when I stuff in my cloth diapers. But like when packing clothes for a long trip it just took practice. Now, usually I do pack disposable because I feel like a lot of people who may change my baby instead of me shy away from cloth. If it is a place I frequent alot like church or the YMCA where they are used to us then I will use cloth. I do give a brief description that I want him changed and all they have to do is put it in the bag I have provided and I will wash it at home.
So when I pack my cloth diapers I tell them it is just like a disposable, but don’t throw it away. I keep gallon sized ziplocks in the bag. If it is poo, then I just wash it out when I get home. I keep a separate store plastic bag for carrying the used diaper. To pack more than one diaper roll them. Roll them as tiny as you can and organize them along the bottom in a row. I have been able to pack 4-5 diapers this way.
Frugal Home Cloth Diaper Benefits
With the internet options are endless. There are gently used diapers that can be found at consignment shops, and also diaper swaps. Craigslist will have them listed occasionally. ALWAYS re-wash with bleach. Then rinse. Then wash with normal laundry soap. I wash twice when I buy used. That way I FEEL and know they are clean. Even without stains a double wash makes me feel better.
I do have some of the inserts that come with the diapers, but I also stock up on the old three way cloth diapers. They can be used after baby is done with them. Trust me because I use to be a housecleaner. Use these to dust with and clean windows or mirrors. They last forever and shine objects like no tomorrow.
Bonus: Cloth diapers have so many cute designs now, and that makes them even better! Frugal home moms of babies, toddlers and newborns find ways to save. From diapers to bottles to pull-ups and sipping cups. Even now that my children are older I find ways to save. Other than saving ones, cloth diapers are really so much easier to use and better for any. They may take a few extra steps to clean, but a s a diligent frugal home manager that is a challenge accepted.
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Thanks for sharing your experience with cloth!
Glad I could help ๐