Hosting a frugal family astronomy night is fun and economical. If you family is anything like ours we love to view the moon and it’s various stages. By that I mean we will walk down our driveway, down the street to get a good view of the moon and stars. Since we live in the city the stars are hard to see, but when we go camping the stars are in full beauty and we gaze at them.
Something about the awe in the skies draws attention. Your family will love the fact that you set up a special night for them to stargaze. The most essential part of the night is the main event which is the stars. So, before you add it to the family calendar make sure the night is clear for stargazing.
Obtain An Inexpensive Telescope
The most expensive part of a frugal family astronomy night would be getting the telescope. We have one that was given one that has lasted us a few years’. Searching for good sales at specific times of the year is a good idea when looking for a telescope. Of course they do get more expensive as the power of the lens capacity is increased. Stargazing is better with a good telescope. Looking on Facebook marketplace is a good place to start when trying to find something that is too expensive in a store.
As a frugal family mom, I would wait for a good sale or buy a used telescope for stargazing. Also, it would be a more recurrent family event using the telescope. There are several places that have telescopes on sale, pawn shops are a good place to check.
Frugal Family Astronomy Night
Frugal family stargazing night is easy to organize and requires little more than a blanket(s), cold water, and an open night sky are essential. Another necessary item is binoculars. They will enhance what the naked eye can see. High powered binoculars prove to be an invaluable tool when stargazing.
A white headlamp is a good idea as this will speed the clean up process and help you to not forget any lenses on the ground. The materials for a night of stargazing are simple. Stars, a blanket, binoculars or a telescope. Food and drinks are helpful if the night is going to be longer than two hours.
Download An Free Astronomy App
A great way to find constellations in the sky is to download an Astronomy app. I have had one on my phone forever. In the summertime the kids love it because it is so easy to use. We throw a blanket down in the backyard and search for the constellations.
It is always fun to see who remembers what and when. Just this past summer I was able to identify Orion because we use the app so much. Also the kids are quick to find the little dipper and big dipper. Of course those are easy ones to fine. In the winter, on a clear, crisp night is a good time also to view the stars. Our kids’ don’t last as long in the winter though. This is one of the ways’ our frugal family enjoys time together.
Visit an College Observatory
Finally, It may be more of a night out of stargazing, but invite some family and friends to view constellations at an observatory. The last time we went they had a whole program set out for us to enjoy. At the end we were able to view the night sky on the big telescope. The whole family went and it was under $20.00.
Setting up different family night activities is a way for you to be accountable, and create bonds between family members that last. I remember so many times as a child when we would go camping and my parents would sit in lawn chairs just admiring the stars. They really are fascinating. Take some time to enjoy a frugal family astronomy night.
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