Our homeschool history lesson takes us to Ancient China this week and the first kite. We had a lot of fun with this activity. First, came the lesson. The time period we studied was 1000 B. C. and Qin Dynasty was the first dynasty of China. This country is rich with great history and stories. Located on the eastern part of Asia, China is one of the most populous countries of the world. History of Ancient China goes back to over 4,000 years ago. Wealthy families called “dynasties” ruled China. China had one of the longest lasting empires in ancient history.
Chinese trades were not much different than current day, as there were hunters, farmers, traders, and they had a government system. Chinese history indicates they invented several appliances, kites, paper and silk clothing. Kites, paper, porcelain, and gunpowder are a few things we use today from this culture.
As we carry on with our study of Ancient China we dive into our various ways of learning.
Ancient China Homeschool History Presentation
Presenting is part of our timeline. Last year I started this type of study to allow my boys’ freedom to dig in where they wanted to create and learn presenting skills. This has turned out to be one of my better ideas. Each week they eagerly look forward to our “timeline” day. Here is how we set up our timeline study each week. Number drawing is how the first person is decided. So I pick a number and they each guess. Whoever comes closer is the one who gets to go first. Presentation is topic number one.
Hands On History Project
Hands on projects are part of our timeline. For this, I save recycling materials so the kids can build and be creative. In addition to this I have plenty of tape from the dollar tree, paint from United Art and Education reward points and cardboard boxes from Amazon. All of this helps them to be creative and build what is envisioned in their mind.
My goal is not perfection. Actually, I give no instructions at all. I give them the topic and grade based on what they make. For instance, as we studied Ancient China they had to make a kite that would fly in the air for one minute. That was the only prerequisite because I wanted to see their process. Each child brought something different to the timeline activity. All were interesting for their age group. The kites’ did fly, but they both realized the next time how to implement change to make them fly better.
History Paper For Each Grade
Each child gives a paper based on their age. This paper must include correct grammar usage and punctuation for their level. Our presentation’s are given from this paper so it must be well written. Therefore, writing is a large part of our homeschool. This year we are working hard to improve our handwriting and actual writing skills.
At the beginning of each year I create goals for each of my children. One of my goals for my oldest is for him to improve his concluding sentences. As I have reviewed and edited his writing over the past year’s we can only get better. Much of his work in this area has been conquered, but before he graduates I want him to write a good conclusion.
Homeschool Participation and Comprehension
Finally we get to our participation. Today’s questions were over the Ancient China history section they were asked to read. After that, I give each of them five questions to answer from the text of their age level. If they answer all five, then all participation points are given.
timeline is one of our favorite subjects of the week. Geography is fun when we get to cook and make hands on projects for the countries, but this level of timeline gives me hope that they are actually engaged in learning about history. Personally, history is my favorite subject. I love art history, math history and pretty much all history. My children can grow up to love the past so that reminders will e set in their heads for the future. What happened in the past always has the potential to happen again. Just like fashion it circles back around.
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