We have tons of affordable family card games. Since our children were small we have played games with them. Back then we didn’t have much money, but did have a growing family. As the kids’ grew so did their love for games. Some I have kept over the years’ because they are favorites. If they are not a “favorite” then most likely they are gifted to others’
Many of my games have been picked up at second hand shops, goodwill and other thrift stores. As homeschoolers we have many games that we get from other homeschoolers. Games are fun, educational and teach many subjects. That is why I like them, but also because they are fun! Here are some of our favorites:
Uno Game for Math and Challenges
I have played Uno forever. Ever since I was small we Uno has been my number one go to game. Why? Three reasons: it is easy to play, doesn’t take a long time, and is very easy to transport. Uno cards are fun and can be taken anywhere. but, on nights where we don’t have a long time, we play Uno. Despite the fact that Uno is such a ready to play game in our home the kids’ love to play it also. My deck is kept in my junk drawer. Easily grabbed and close to the kitchen table. Enough room for all five or six of us to sit and enjoy ourselves a quick game before the night ends.
Uno game nights can lead into a game challenge. One way to create a Uno challenge is to see who wins three out of 4 games. Keep track each week to see who is getting better at their strategy skills. Uno challenges mix the regular game up a bit. If you don’t like that one, make up one of your own.
Skip Bo Card Game
Unquestionably, Skip Bo is a great runner up card game. Although in our home it is not played nearly as much as war and Uno. Skip is great for math skills and is adaptable enough for younger kids. Throughout my teen years Skip Bo was a game our family played a lot. Therefore, this is another easy and affordable family game I like to play with my own kids.
Criteria for a game to be my favorite is short. Likewise it helps if I know the game. Unfortunately that is why so many of our games sit until we have more time to play them. Time is of the essence during the school week. Weekends we play lots of board games, and other fun games. Skip Bo is a game just like Uno that we can play through he week.
Five Crowns
Honestly I have not played this one yet. The kids’ love to play it and that is why I placed it on my Thursday night lis. Finding out what the rage is all about has definitely peaked my curiosity. Five crowns is a perfectly affordable family card game that resembles rummy. No one wins until all the Kings go wild. Maybe that is why the boys’ like it so much!
Such an easy game to learn and an affordable family favorite. My youngest son gets upset when his brothers’ look at his cards, so during this game I sit with him away from them to help him play and gain a better understanding of how to win. It isn’t hard to win, but significantly does require a strategy. All of them have grown so much with their team building, and cooperative playing amongst themselves since we started game night.
Affordable Family Card Games Create Stronger Bonds
Many families who want to create a frugal home environment are looking for fun ways to keep kids entertained. Let me add that affordable family games help with that and it only takes a little bit of time. We don’t always play with our boys’. Sometimes they play and we watch to see how they interact. Good lessons on speaking kindly, playing unselfishly, no cheating and many other character building opportunities exist with game play.
For more ideas on creating a frugal home family game night sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram @momsarefrugal. Each Thursday I post our games.
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