I wanted to give a few ideas on my first grade curriculum choices, and my thoughts behind them. We recently “added to” the math program. My six year old is putting everything together this year and taking his first big steps into reading and writing.
He is great at math, but was struggling as well as I. That is when I realized that something had to happen. We were not enjoying math. It was a daily struggle. He fought it and so did I.
That is not how homeschooling is supposed to be right? Wrong.
As I racked my brain to figure out where we were having a breakdown it came to me that some kids NEED bookwork. My son needed bookwork to put the math in his head. He needed a visual.
Since last year worked well I went back to bjupress and ordered the first grade math book.
This week I have just alternated lessons from Rightstart Math and his BJU book to give him a visual.
It is working great. Lesson learned to not force something that is not working. That is why we homeschool so that he has a lesson plan to fit his needs!
If you homeschool tell me why?
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