The holiday season opens up so many opportunities for learning. Most homeschoolers take a break during the holiday season, but not us. Our Christmas break opens up the chance to play fun games and make crafts. Homeschool kindergarten games and crafts do not have to be part of an agenda, but can create memories.
Filling up the open time slots on the homeschool kindergarten schedule since school is out. becomes a fun holiday tradition for us. I incorporate many of the ideas that we run out of time for in our regular day.
Christmas Math Activities
Christmas activities are so fun. Combining math activities for homeschool kindergarten with Christmas is incredible. This week we were coloring Christmas stockings and working with shapes.
I decided to add the two together for a fun activity. I printed off a stocking template, and my sweet kindergartener pasted the shapes on it. Coloring the stocking is the next part of the the lesson.
Another addition to the activity is to go around the house and find shapes that match our stocking. We also look through magazines to see if buildings, trees, or anything else resembles our shapes. Trying to identify shapes in our everyday world opens a math awareness for kindergarteners.
Christmas Art Activities
Adding in art for the same lesson is really easy. Choose a color that compliments the shapes. For example, our shapes were purple. So, my kindergartener wanted to color the stocking yellow. Purple and yellow go well together. Next, we talked about other colors that go well with purple.
In addition to discussing colors, we tried out some paint mixing. We mixed yellow and purple. Blending and mixing paint colors in a hands-on activity solidifies what we were talking about. Actually seeing that yellow and purple can be mixed together led to questions about other colors.
Homeschool Kindergarten Christmas History
Adding in history at a younger age is building an interest for older years. My goal is to have a houseful of history lovers. Not all of my kids are interested in history, but they have all been exposed since they were young.
For our final activity we watched a youtube video of why we have Christmas stockings. The video was short, but informative. I added in some comprehension by asking him to tell me one thing he learned.
Learning math, art and history from a shapes lesson was informative for both teacher and student. Opening doors to a more interest based learning will lead to children that see learning in everyday life.
I love to create games for my kids to play. For me, the power of play is so important. Kids’ learn better when they get to play games, role play, interactive play, and social emotional play. Adding in all of the elements is important for each age group.
For more of our homeschooling, suburban homestead and frugal home adventures follow me on Instagram at Momsarefrugal.
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