Diapers play a huge role with babies. Disposable diapers are an ongoing expense and cloth diapers are an upfront expense. Disposable are exactly what they say…disposable. Cloth diapers require ongoing care and maintenance. Disposable diapers are used in hospitals, and cloth diapers are not mentioned as an option. Convenience Vs. ongoing conservation with cloth diapers. These are the three cloth diaper mom problems that exist.
Diapers Expense Factor
Disposable diapers are expensive. The cycle repeats itself weekly in the store. Disposable diapers are quick and easy, but a constant budget item.
Cloth diapers are expensive the first time, after that the savings are HUGE! Cloth diapers require an investment up front and from there it is just maintenance.
Diaper Maintenance
Society wants us to think that everything should be quick, easy, and disposable. Sometimes the effort is worth the savings. Using cloth diapers would not add anything more to the plate other than care and maintenance. Shopping constantly for disposable diapers is a negative for me. Laundry is an everyday thing for us anyway so using cloth diapers did not add to my mom problems. Disposable diapers did however raise my stress level when I had to drop everything and run to the store.
Busy moms forget to add to the grocery list. Life happens and moves on.
Chemicals are part of the disposable diapers. There are some that have come out with a more healthy option such as “Honest” diapers. My children were older so I was never able to try those out.
I know that some of the chemicals could have long term effects, but what are they? How scary is that? For me…..pretty scary. When trying to protect my baby from harm, I am putting harm on him everyday.
Lately I look at all labels and lotions to see what I am putting on my childrens’ bodies. They are pretty important to me.
Checking out all of the ingredients on the back of the diaper box on google will surprise many momsmentioned by the last person changing a diaper in all of the kids chaos. That meant we may need to run out at the worst possible time to grab diapers.
Encouraged by Hospital and Others
Breastfeeding is encouraged in hospitals by newborns. Healthy eating and water is encouraged by doctors and others as children get older. People with degrees give us many reasons why breastfeeding is best and great for development. Disposable diapers are encouraged and given in the hospital.
No one mentions cloth diapers and the benefits they bring to babies. Healthy eating and water is great for kids, but so are cloth diapers. There are so many chemicals and reasons why cloth diapers are better than using disposable diapers.
Caring for the future health of our children is important. No one has linked anything to disposable diapers yet, there are assumptions.
Cloth diapers can be washed in all natural products that hold no chemicals. Disposables sit on our babies for hours. That was one of my considerations when I chose to eliminate one of the two choices.
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