As we are on our journey to conquering frugality, the second step is to define your why. Our reasoning behind actions is the driving force to conquering it. For instance, if I want a new house because our family is growing my why will drive me to save. As I have stated before it takes discipline to save. Spending is easy, but learning to deny yourself the everyday conveniences to make a savings goal takes perseverance.
Many years’ ago I was a spender. Actually, I am still a spender, but now my spending has tangible limits. What helped me to create those limits? My “why” to the savings goal I have set. Moderation is the key to “over” and “under” anything. Once my why was determined and I wrote it down is when my steps toward conquering frugality became serious.
Value Reflection
Values play a strong role in conquering your savings “why”. Whether you are saving for an RV, retirement, vacations or whatever this is a goal. However, to conquer frugality for a time is easy. Determining if you want to change your life by creating a frugal home that you can teach your children to save each day is different.
More is caught than taught, so make sure the value’s that you want to reflect show whether you are teaching them to save for now, or everyday. For example, I can stop buying coffee for a month or two to save money. But, the real savings happens when I consciously stop buying coffee out and make it at home.
Specific Goal for Conquering Frugality
Having a specific goal is helpful when we are saving. In the beginning my goal was to stay at home. Your why may be to pay off debt, buy a nice new car with cash or something that I haven’t even mentioned. Learning to save happens with conscious effort. Make small goals the stepping stones. Each time you save the habit is created. In addition to that, the desire begins to stir and the overall picture of spending too much money on a cup of coffee becomes a realization.
Write it Down
Make conquering frugality a reality by writing it down. Definitely write it when you see it. Not everyday, but a reminder post it note in your planner or on your goal chart. Writing makes something more attainable, that is why checklist’s work for productivity.
First, write down the specific goal. Second, write down three steps to get to the goal. Third, write the first step that needs to be done on a separate post it note. Finally, on payday make sure that post it note is where you a see it. Pay yourself first.
Use it as Your Superpower
Your superpower that will propel you forward into saving for a goal, or keep you strong when you want to blow money is the very goal you’re working towards. Don’t weaken, just find the post it note that will remind you of your “why”. That is your driving force to keep going when it gets tough. I have to say that when I am in the middle of a savings challenge or working on a goal it is the very time I want to spend the most money. At that very time all of the cutest shoes and jeans will go on a great sale.
But that is when I remember what I am saving for, and give myself 24 hours to think about any purchase. When giving time in between a purchase that lessens the desire to buy it. Impulse buying is not a good thing. Ever. I avoid impulse buying because then it leads to guilt. Guilt leads to me not enjoying what I bought. If your anything like me, when you make a purchase, you want to enjoy it.
Use your “why” as your superpower. For more ways to save and start a frugal home, sign up for my newsletter. Follow me on Instagram @momsarefrugal.
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