Alexander The Great and The Nazca culture in Peru
Homeschool history this week covers Alexander the Great, the Nazca culture in Peru, and the history behind this ancient culture. We learn so much from the past, even ancient cultures. From what was added into our research paper’s this week so much was derived that we use today. Culture’s that farmed used their own version of an irrigation system. In addition to this, medical and healthcare was available, it looked different. Our societies today were formed from what those previous cultures experimented with to survive.
Did you know that Alexander the Great was know for many of the countries that he conquered? Likewise, he (Alexander) had his own way of solving the Gordian Knot dilemma, and Alexander did not have a lot of patience. In addition to that he was a horse lover. His horse meant so much to him.
My middle son gave such an informative paper and presentation today on the Nazca culture. Quite honestly I have never heard of this culture. Therefore it was very interesting to watch him reveal what his research had unfolded.
Homeschool History Lesson Plan
Our timeline lesson for homeschool history had three topics to choose from as usual. The first was Alexander the Great, the second was Aristotle and the third was the Nazca culture. No one chose Aristotle so he will be added to next week’s timeline lesson. I don’t skip lessons, just add on to the next week with any that were not chosen. That way we make it through our timeline book by summer.
All lesson’s are added to my whiteboard each week on Friday. I do this to make sure that enough time has been allowed to complete the given project. My goal with this is to teach them to work on research, papers and other parts of learning in a timely manner. Hopefully they avoid the procrastination pitfall.
Activities and Project Ideas
Try this challenge on project ideas. Homeschoolers love to be creative. My homeschooling has evolved over the years and it is so much fun to be able to watch them learn.
Listed on the board for project ideas was to complete a replica of a Gordian Knot, Sort and categorize animals into classification for Biology. Aristotle was known to be the first one to see biology as a science and begin classifying animals. Noting the differences and similarities between the species.
Grammar, Writing and Handwriting Tips
Moving into too how we do grammar, writing and handwriting. I try to combine as many subjects into a single topic. For this I have learned to use grammar in with writing and research skills. Even my now eleven year old participates at his own level of writing. I have taught him and continue to teach them through writing. Each one writes what they want, and I add in corrections or mention a few different ways they could have concluded a paragraph. No red ink, except on grading. That truly is the best way that I know how to differentiate what I have graded from their self grading.
Furthermore, handwriting plays a part in their grade. My system is very simple, and again I give feedback. If they want a better grade they improve on their handwriting. Therefore, It is important to me that we have some formal way of encouraging kids and setting goals. Not to mention, grades help with that drive and determination.
Encouraging Self Led Learning
Without a doubt I am loving my new system of self led learning. My homeschoolers have more control over what they want to learn about in the assigned topics. In addition to that, they pick their own topics. As I reference my past and look back I am reminded my favorite books to read were choose your own adventure books. Any one of them I could check out at the library held my attention.
For example, I put the three topics up there for them to research, I do add in the books for them to read. But, if they want to do more we have encyclopedia’s, the internet, and visit the library once a week. I don’t tell them the sources. That is their job. Much benefit has been derived from having them be responsible for their own education, and it doesn’t come from a workbook. finally, I wrap up comprehension with participation questions. That is the fun part of seeing what they actually read. My quotes come straight from the book!
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