Fall Break came really early this year, but maybe that is because we started school early. My kindergartner homeschooler did not start until after labor day, but my oldest son who is partially homeschooled and spends the other 2 days in a structured school started August 19th. It was also his first day of high school and his 15th birthday. He was a little nervous to say the least.
Since fall break was earlier this year a game plan was needed to avoid the boredom issue. Do you face those issues with your kids? Summer break was not too long ago and by the end the boredom set in.
That was not about to happen this week! Even if it was raining we were going to be active!
The weather was a little tricky this year so outdoor activities would still continue I just brought out umbrellas’, coats, rain boots, etc.
Overall I think it ended pretty well with a visit to the park for some leaf rubbings and collection of nature.
This week here are a few ideas that I tried with all of the kids from age 2 1/2 to 15:
1. Relax, watch some TV with the kids, and then head out for an outing.
2. Catch up on some much needed errands
3. Let the kids play in their pajamas until lunch time.
4. Print off some information about Columbus Day and let them work on it.
5. Go to the library, read to the kids or let them read to you.
6. Take them to a special lunch and then head to a park and eat on picnic tables.
7. Take them to an activity place and let them run amuck and get out some energy.
8. Find a local YMCA and play basketball, or any activities they offer.
9. Offer a church $5.00 to let them run wild and play in the gym.
10. Wrap up the week as a family and head to a park. Take some ziploc bags and let them collect leafs, walnuts, sticks or whatever they choose.
Sit back and watch them throw walnuts at the trees, fence and each other. ( My oldest son did not think his brothers’ could actually hit him)!
It looks like they had a great time! That’s neat that you can homeschool yet have your son go to school a couple days a week. I haven’t heard of that a lot!
Great ideas! I like that they are so active and creative!
I think I may have to do this idea at our church! What a great idea!
Those are great ideas. I am a stay at home mom to a 18 month old. She is very active and I have to keep her busy or drive myself crazy. She loves the parks and she also loves to swim. Thanks for the ideas!