Homeschool field trip is a day during the week that we visit various areas to get hands on learning experiences. This week I had plans to take them somewhere unique but that did not work out. As I sat hurriedly on my phone trying to look up locations close to us to visit my options were limited. The kids were getting antsy and questioning where we were going. A deadline loomed before us around 3:00 pm and lunch was quickly approaching. My next best idea was getting in the car to grab lunch.
I hit the bank first.
Then food a parking spot close and started researching local places to visit. It was almost 12:00 pm. After 15 min. of searching and multiple “Where are we going, mom” ? I decided it was time to head in a direction. To where, I did not know.
The rain started so at that point I realized that a park was out. My thoughts were maybe a nature hike or a tree climbing session. We passed a Steak n’ Shake so that sounded great. I pulled into the drive thru and ordered. Hopefully, this would give me time to come up with a field trip. I always build them up to be so much fun, so I could not let my kids down.
As they ate, it dawned on me that I had bought a general library pass so that we could visit other libraries in our state. I don’t know why but I thought this a good idea. It was not too costly and fit right in with my frugal homeschool budget.
I researched libraries in the area and found one.
As the kids wrapped up their lunch I told them I found a fun place for us to visit. To avoid any criticism I opted to not tell them the location until we arrived. My hope and prayer was that this library had a cool area for little kids and big kids.
To my amazement, they did! Let me tell you we hit the jackpot at this library. It was wonderful.
This was going to turn our as one of the top ten homeschool field trip days, I just knew it. The library had Ukelele’s to loan out, and sessions that parents could sign kids up to learn to play this instrument for free.
The librarian began to tell me all about the amenities, and books they offered as the kids sat down to play on the computers. I informed her that we were on a homeschool field trip. This library had recently had their children’s room remodeled and it showed. All of the computers had nice new headphones and they were separated for older and younger children.
The library also offered dress up clothes for my youngest to check out if he wanted to play in the bank area, or food to play with in the restaurant. The best part was the puppet area. We took turns putting on a pretend puppet show.
So many different games and options for the kids to borrow and play with while they were at the library, and they also had comfortable chairs for moms to sit and read while their kids played. I could not believe they had also set up a responsibility system. So, if they kids wanted to check out some puzzles to play with they first had to give something of theirs to loan out. When they were done with the activity they had chosen, they returned the play selection and received back what they had loaned out. This was for any age to help them learn to take care of the libraries property.
The boys had so much fun pretending, playing on computers and working on puzzles that time flew by quickly. As we left, they let me know it was a great day.
Have you recently visited a new library? If you have let me know in the comments or on my facebook page.
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Well that does sound amazing!!
During my homeschool days, we spent A LOT of time at the library because we were using the Charlotte Mason approach with living books.
The library you shared about takes learning to a whole other level indeed! What a wonderful find.
Thanks for sharing.
It did indeed! We are adapting more to reading books through our learning, and that is why I purchased a library card to go anywhere. I want the children to find information through their own exploration of books and interests:)