Many years I have struggled with affordable, healthy meal plans. Frugal Home Vegetable Primavera has become a staple in my monthly meals. As a mom who cares what her kids eat I am picky about the food I serve.
Another facet of my recipe planning involves leftovers, what will freeze well, keep well, and cost. In addition to planning, organizing healthy meals takes practice. My goal has been to keep practicing and continue a path for more affordable, delicious meals. Oh, and not spend all of the kids’ college funds on groceries!
Frugal Home Meal Plans
Instantly this became a tried and true recipe that I fix. Moreover, as revealed by some of the ingredients frugal home Vegetable Primavera is healthy, but also easy enough to fix if I am in a hurry. Many fresh vegetables can be used in this delicious recipe.
Neatly tucked away between the egg noodles, and cheese is broccoli. Red pepper and tasty carrots will add just the right flavor. OccasionalIy, I do add a bit of chicken or tuna to this recipe for a change.
In addition to the main course, breadsticks or garlic bread make a delightful side. For example, sometimes I have made banana pudding or a dump cake to finish off a great meal. Furthermore, both are frugal home dessert ideas.
Cooking Utensils
Likewise, this recipe being frugal it also makes for an easy night on the dishes. We do not have a dishwasher and have not had one for many years. Using as few pots, pans, dishes and silverware is something I incorporate into my planning. There are many nights where it takes us awhile to get all of the dishes done. While, then there are nights where I make meals like the vegetable primavera and use only a few key pans.
Planning ahead is important. Good, healthy meals do not have to take all day to cook, nor do they have to make mountains of dishes.
Frugal Home Recipe Instructions:
Vegetable Primavera Ingredients:
Together with meal prep this becomes a busy night meal. Simplicity is key. As a matter of fact, for me the simpler the better. Of course there is always the weekends to cook up a big hearty meal!
3 cups broccoli florets
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
2 medium carrots cut into 1/4 inch slices
1 can reduced-sodium, fat-free chicken broth
1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons of butter
2 cups egg noodles
1 teaspoon (3 dashes) of garlic
Grated Parmesan cheese
I love easy, simple to follow directions in a recipe:
- First, cut broccoli into florets and chop bell pepper. cut carrots diagonally into 1/4 inch slices.
- Next, bring chicken broth, water, and milk to a boil. Stir in pasta and sauce mix: reduce heat to medium. Of course, gently boil, uncovered, 5 minutes.
- Then, stir in broccoli, bell pepper, carrots, and garlic. Return to a boil and continue cooking 2 minutes. Sauce will be thin. Furthermore, do not overcook.) Let stand 8 minutes for sauce to thicken.
- Finally, spoon onto platter and grate with Parmesan cheese.
Making this vegetable primavera is a one dish classic that not only saves money but it also saves time. All of us are busy in one way or another. Why not add more one dish meals to your menu to make room for a book reading session.
Creating healthy affordable meals is a mission that I have been on for awhile. Nevertheless, my children need me to guide and teach them how to eat healthy. Finding more meals that surround a healthy lifestyle is important. As a result of researching healthy tips a fun grocery tip was shared. Buy a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s or Costco. They are already cooked and very affordable. Using this tip saves you the time of cooking the chicken and in the end is much less expensive.
Follow me on Instagram @momsarefrugal as I post my dishes each Monday.
In addition to dessert a good idea is to use garnish, spinach leaves spread neatly on the bottom of the dish adds a picture perfect meal. Subscribe to my email list to get all of the newest posts.
****recipe from The Pampered Chef Casual Cooking. Easy recipes for indoor or out****
Thank you 🙂