I have struggled for so many years not being able to accomplish my frugal home mom budget goals. Every January my list would be made. Then, by May I realize where the list is. Can you relate? It’s crazy how homeschooling three boys’ can derail my personal goals, budget and even my home to do list.
After my budget goals were derailed last year I finally sat down to figure out why. My goals were not set up to suit me. My day, activities and time are not the same as other peoples. So, that was one reason that my goals remain unaccomplished. I set myself up on someone else’s plan.
This year, in January I will set up my frugal home budget goals according to my work style and needs. A direct focus with fewer steps has given my frugal mom budget goals a boost.
Write Down The Most Important Goal
First, instead of writing down twenty different budget goals to work on for the year, set three. One goal for each quarter to work on is good. More than one is not helpful to an already full mom schedule.
A simple approach to budget goals keeps the focus on the goal and steps to accomplishment. Also one goal per quarter is easier to mark off. Several goals look overwhelming and unobtainable on paper.
Taking the time to figure out the three most important budget goals for the year allows for husband and wife to see the path ahead of them. Multiple goals on a page lack intensity. For example if a couple decides that paying off credit card debt is a top priority and they start investing money at the same time it is counter productive. Then, the focus has been split between two items for the overall family budget.
Finally, be in agreement on budget goals.
Simple Steps to Obtain Budget Goals
Keep the steps simple to work toward the budget goals. A list of twenty steps is not ideal for a mom like me who has an already full plate. Write down the quickest way to first accomplish the goal.
In addition to the quickest way to accomplish the goal add in how many days to accomplish the goal. If paying off credit card debt is over a year, list the months. Psychologically months “look” easier to pay off than “years” . Simplify the debt to an individual credit card. Moms are good at putting the most important item at the top of the list. Tackling the highest credit card first is a magnificent feeling.
Therefore, keeping all focus on budget goals one at a time is a game changer. Stress is relieved after the goal setting weekly update because progress shows on that most important goal. A whole list of goals that are secondary is not as fulfilling as completing the “one” goal.
We saved for an anniversary vacation a few year’s ago. The vacation was at Disney. Setting up the goal in January to be accomplished in July. I had a very definite time frame to attain. Keeping my eyes’ on that one goal and taking small steps toward it each week was successful. If I would have set the vacation goal with several other goals, then my attention would have been divided.
Combine Frugal Home Goals to the Home To Do List
The mom to do list is never ending. Adding more tasks to the list will not open up more time. Having a plan to tackle the tasks that are on the list is a productivity booster. A few years’ ago my todo list was cut down to five a day. Each week I tackle my daily to do’s and have my goal listed at the bottom. Making baby steps toward my goal made it seem less impossible to finish.
Whatever the budget goals are for the year, have a certain day to work on them in a routine is better than nothing. One small step toward a frugal mom budget goal is a step that is saving money for the family. Setting a financial budget goal in January is pointless if progress is not made to achieve. For example, to save for Disney, I had to put a certain amount of money away each week.
My monthly goals to have that dream vacation were visited on a daily basis someway. Either by working on selling something to add to my envelope or watching a movie on the Disney channel to keep me motivated.
In the hustle and bustle of life goals can still be met. Frugal moms know how to save money and they know how to set easy obtainable budget goals. For more posts on frugal homeschooling, lifestyle and our suburban homestead sign up for my newsletter.
I’m sure these are good tips. I struggle with the budget, and rarely even make an effort to budget. Not the best idea, but truth, nonetheless.
I appreciate you sharing, and also for coming over to the Homestead Blog Hop to bring your experience.
Blessings to you,
Ridge Haven Homestead
These are great tips! It can be so hard to focus on family, household and budgeting goals with young kids. Especially if you are home schooling. Thank you for linking up with Happy Hearts & Homes, I hope to see you again this week.