Homeschool games for preschool is one of my favorite ways to teach. Preschoolers absolutely love learning. Everything is exciting to them and fun. Preparing games for them each week to help them learn wasn’t a chore when my kids were little, but something I looked forward to in my planning.
Now, as my children are older I look back without regret because learning was fun with them as preschoolers. History is without a doubt my favorite subject to teach. I can’t find anything dull about it at all. All elements of the past fascinate me. Several of my children share the same love of history, and I feel like that is because I introduced it to them as children.
Homeschool games for preschool on Columbus Day opens the door for more in depth learning as they get older, but introduces the names of historic figures. Columbus is a person in the history books who held a key role in exploring new places. That adventurous tenacity that had to be inside of him to want to trek out on an unknown voyage seems non-existent today.
Through the past I like to teach fun games to the young preschool children.
Pin the Boat on the Map
Pin the boat on the map is a way to teach map skill to young children. First, make several paper boats of different colors. Next, obtain by either printing out a map of Columbus’ voyage and blowing it up, or make one.
Then, have child or children line up. Place a blindfold on them and spin 3 s. Whoever has the closest boat to the voyage route wins.
Homeschool Games Read It Choose It
Choose an age level book about Christopher Columbus. Tell the kids as you read to listen because there will be three questions at the end. When you are finished reading ask question number one and give a multiple choice question. Then, ask number two and three with their multiple choice questions. Whoever gets all three questions correct wins.
In our house, whomever wins this reading round gets to pick the next book to read, and come up with three questions for there brothers to answer. This game has proven to be a lot of fun, and teaches great listening skills at a young age.
Make a Boat for the Voyage Game
I give the kids all kinds of ribbons, tape, scissors, and with my help we design a laundry basket boat. This boat is for the Christopher Columbus voyage. The creativity that preschoolers come up with is intriguing and mind boggling. The thought process when they design their boats is so much fun and creativity is abundant.
Next, line up all of the boats to be judged. The winner is the most creative boat. Then grab some kind of a paddle and let their imagination lead!
Race to the New World
This is a fun game where the preschoolers get to design their own boats and race them. First, have each child make a boat out of recycling products that have accumulated in the “creativity bin”. That’s what we call it at our home.
Second, make a boat run with enough water for them to race from point A to point B. This part could get messy so in the kitchen our outside is a good idea.
Finally, have each preschooler place their boat in the water and wait for the whistle. Winner is the first one to reach the other side.
After all of the games, I like to hold a few moments of a wrap up discussion with Q and A for the kids to talk about the lesson. Let them ask questions and even answer each other’s questions. How do you like to wrap up a learning session? Do you lead into a discussion or a quiet time for independent learning?
For more posts on homeschooling, frugal living, and living on a suburban homestead.
These ideas sound like a lot of fun for the kids and the mom, too! My kids are all grown, but we homeschooled and loved it. We played games, read lots of books and had lots of discussions. Now we have a 5 yr old granddaughter and her mom living with us, and we have lots of fun doing things together like tea parties and baking. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #InspireMeMonday!