Homeschool preschool letter P activities begin with basics such as handwriting the letter P. After that writing a a few small letter P words such as pig, pot, and put on index cards. For me, I always started each week’s letter activities off with the Poster. I made an interchangeable poster for our letter of the week activities. That way all that I had to change was the letter each week. Next, I would update all of the different sections of the poster as needed.
Another part of my letter of the week poster was a vocabulary word to learn. It would be a word from our first dictionary. Using something that was easy for them to see, find with me in the dictionary and we were able to look it together. Each week building on the last to create a habit of looking up words in a dictionary. So that when they were in elementary school both vocabulary was present and the ability to find words for research was apparent.
Letter P Handwriting
Starting with handwriting is important. See it, say it, write it. That was my motto when I was teaching my homeschool preschool. So they saw the letter, wrote the letter and traced the letter. Then each day we would come back the handwriting sheet for review. I always attached the handwriting sheet to the poster of the week. This weeks flower for study was the Peony. Peonies are such beautiful flowers and are always the tell tale sign of spring. When they are in full bloom it is beautiful. I chose this flower for study because of the many varieties and beauty.
Homeschool Preschool Nature Study
For the nature study part of this flower it would be easy enough, depending on when you start this curriculum to plant a peony bush. Then as it grows take the homeschool preschool lessons outdoors. Spring is the best time for peonies, and during the week take them to view the flowers daily. Discuss the colors, have them tell you what they see. After that, go in and allow them to color a picture of the peony.
Using coloring in this study will not only implement the flower into the preschoolers‘ memory, but it will also help them identify it. Coloring is a great fine motor skill to build for handwriting.
Teaching Science With Flowers
Flowers are great way to teach science. One way to teach with flowers is to let them pick one and bring inside on a tray. As they sit down start at the petals and name each part of the flower. Going through each petal and counting them, then have them name the color of the petals. In addition to this, have them identify the stem and leaves.
Finally, watch a brief video on the importance of flowers on youtube. I try to always use a video to bring home my topic. For safety I type in “for kids” so youtube only brings up videos ok for kids to watch.
Picture Study for Preschool
Picture study for homeschool preschool is not going to look the same as it would for older kids. I always did like an “I spy” approach with picture study. Allowing them to search and find what they saw in the picture. Another fun way to teach picture study is to find a book of flowers at the library. Ahead of time make sure that it has peonies. But have them search through the book to see if they can find the page with the peonies on it. Using flower magazines is also not a bad idea. Anything that has a lot of the pictures that you want them to look for and the flower you are working with this week.
One final word about teaching the letter of the week. Have fun with it and let go of worry. They may not be able to identify the same flower in a review lesson or remember what color a peony is when you ask. What they do remember is what you want to expand on and allow to grow. Because teaching them is also learning from them.
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