Letter V homeschool preschool activities revolve around the Vibrynaum flower. Each week for my preschooler I have a specific flower that we learn about and work on. Since this week is letter V that is the flower I chose for us to learn about. For a letter of the week activity posting the flower with the letter V on the Weekly poster is always a good start.
I incorporate picture study, science, math and other objects into our lessons. My lessons are focused on the one topic that I want my homeschool preschool child to learn. Using the flower we always start the week off with identifying the letter in the name of the flower.
Homeschool Preschool Picture Study
This is a fun way to start the homeschool preschool day. Many times I print out a colorful picture of the Vibrynaum to have them try and draw it. After they finish drawing the flower we color it in and discuss what is in the picture. Picture study is a good subject to start off with on Monday. It is a great way to work with your preschooler and work on picture study.
Science Study with Preschoolers
Flowers teach so much science. Everything from growing them, to dissecting them. In addition to learning about flowers and easy experiment can be found on youtube. Learning about flowers is the best way to have them spark an interest in a lifelong hobby.
Handwriting Letter Activities
Handwriting the letter V is easy to teach. Have the preschooler watch you make the letter V both big and small. After you make about 5-6 letters have them try to trace over it. After they trace over the letters allow them to try one on their now.
Next, for homeschool preschool letter V handwriting using a chalkboard has been easiest for us. I like to use chalk because it is easier for small hands to hold. Letter V handwriting activities don’t have to be perfect, the object is really to introduce the letters and the sounds.
Practicing Phonics With Flowers
Practicing phonics and letter sounds is something I did repeatedly each week when my preschooler was learning letters of the week. Have fun and look up information about the flower of the week. This flower may be harder for the to say on their own, but have them try repeatedly. Don’t forget to have them say it each day to help them remember.
Finally, review each letter of the week throughout the entire flower series. Reviewing information helps to recognize it when all of the reading finally comes together later. When they practice all of the subjects with flowers of the week and then review each week this is important to help them put letters with the flowers. Matching games are really fun as preschoolers. Many matching games have been done at our kitchen table over the years. I value that time and it passes so quickly.
In closing I would like to say that letter of the week activities need to be documented either with photographs or video. For more tips on how to homeschool frugally sign up for my newsletter.
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