Each season of life brings about challenges, changes, and special moments. The busysiness that exists in today’s world far surpasses our thoughts of living in the moment. What is your moment right now? Is is small children that needed to be cared for, a parent that is ailing and you are the one to take care of them, or maybe it is just you and time is slipping past each day.
Whatever time of life you are in should be one that you are enjoying. You will never get this day back. Ever. EACH ONE OF US GET 24 HOURS A DAY TO SPEND AS WE PLEASE. This thought haunts me daily due to the quick passing of time. Somedays’ I am so frustrated that I cannot get MY stuff done, then God hands me a gentle reminder that my days of mothering and this season will soon pass.
Someday I won’t have these special moments where my three year old says “mommy hold me please”, or my Five year old asks me to watch the same movie for the one thousandth time. Somedays we have so much fun that I want to hold onto that day forever! Yesterday, as I sat looking at my computer on the desk bouncing around my 2 month old son in his carrier my thoughts were on my “blog work”, not enjoying my son. So, I took my computer, plugged it in at the desk and left the room. In that room I left my frustrated, angry thoughts and decided to cherish and live in my moment.
My mother who was older when I came along told me to play with my children because the housework will always be there. Is that why they say that grandkids are more fun than your own kids? Is is because we rush around as parents but as grandparents we learn and trust in our knowledge of the important priorities? Probably. When our loved ones are gone, or our children are grown up will we be able to look back and say that we lived the moment AND enjoyed it? I want my kids to look back and remember that mommy played with them. I want them to always feel like a priority not a bother. As moms I think we look back at a previous day or maybe a memory and hold regrets on a way to undo what mistake we did. Instead, try to create a new memory that will cover the old memory. Don’t dwell on what happened in the past, go with your feelings as a mom. You really do know best for your children.
When it comes to taking care of an elderly parent or grandparent love that moment. For when they are gone you will miss taking care of them. At times it may be very frustrating to have a parent that the roles are reversed and you must care for them. Try to enjoy it and create special memories of them or with them. Someday it may be us that our children are caring for, treat them with love. Be glad that you are able to give something so precious as your time back to them. Put a smile on their face even if they don’t remember you.
Finally, if it is just you then enjoy this season. Don’t worry about what others’ are doing. Keep your priorities straight. Stay with family and create memories. Be a moral leader in our society. If you are married then take care of your home or husband, or if you are single then stay home and take care of your responsibilities. Only date the people that are worthy of you. Know what you want and don’t take less than what you deserve. Each person you meet try to leave them having a kind thought of you.
I have been in each season. It takes patience, love, and dilligence to get through each one. Don’t rush through it, take it slow and live in the moment.
I can say from a grandparent’s perspective that you’re spot-on. I think the difference is not not only experience but wisdom. When my children were young I was worried about what everyone thought. Now I’m primarily concerned with what God thinks, and my life is so much better for it!