Lately our bucket list has us trying some new recreational card games. We have a lot of board games, but now we are trying something new. Card games are not something I am super good at because I like quick games. Most of these games fall into a category of quick. Monopoly is one of…
Recreational Family Bucket List Napkin Folding Activity
Exploring the recreational family bucket list activity each week is sure to get your 2025 fun goals accomplished. Our family loves to try new things and learn all things. We may not be good at them, but we at least can say we tried. I always ask “thumbs up, or thumbs down” when we are…
Winter Family Bucket List: Juggling
Juggling was our winter family bucket list pick for this week. We try to do one thing a week that is entirely family focused. As I mentioned before each season we select several different indoor/outdoor activities to do as a family. Out of the twenty choices they picked a rather quick one to try today,…
Inexpensive Family Winter Bucket List : Ice Skating
Our inexpensive family winter bucket list took us ice skating this week. We love to have fun, but it has to be within a financial budget. Five people are in our family and that gets expensive, not to mention as our children get older the prices increase. Keeping our budget is important. Planning our seasonal…
40 Easy Preschool Valentine Crafts
Preschool Valentine crafts are so much fun to make. Preschool is a fun time because kids love learning. Impressing mommy or daddy on Valentines’ Day with the special craft makes their hearts bubble with excitement. Being a mom on the receiving end is also fun. No store bought gifts compare to the ones that I…
Homeschool Preschool Letter I Activities
This is another fun way to teach letter i in homeschool preschool. So many times we overcomplicate teaching. Kids learn in various ways. The best way to teach is with a variety to assist with all learning styles. Here are a few affordable ways to teach this letter of the week. Homeschool Preschool Read Aloud…
How To Manage Three Kids, Three Ages, Three Grades In Homeschool
This year in our homeschool I have three kids, in three different grades, three different personalities,and energy levels. It is fun to say the least. No, really it is fun. It was not long after school started that I was having doubts about the lessons. One of the biggest reasons that I homeschool is because…
10 Quick Games To Play With Your Kids
Kids thrive on attention, attention, and attention. Playing quick games with them helps them to get this attention. No, it does not make them spoiled, but in essence gives them a greater grasp on adult interaction, increases their vocabulary and creates a bond that cannot be replaced. Kids learn so much from games and puzzles….
No Spend Challenge: Identify Spending Triggers
Everyone buys something and that is why I am in a no spend challenge. Not just for a day, week, or a month, but a whole year. Purchasing an item always has a reason behind it. Identifying what makes us spend money is important. I know when I was younger I spent money on clothes…
Conquering Frugality: Fridge, Freezer and Food Storage
Conquering frugality to create a frugal home takes planning and effort. Having a food plan that involves stocking the pantry, filling the freezer and rotating the fridge saves money in the future. Fridge Organization: Use What You Have I don’t know how many times I have went to the store and bought more carrots, not…
Conquering Frugality: Monthly Budget Review
Monthly budget review sessions are necessary to conquering frugality. Wild, and careless spending is a no end road that leads to guilt. I don’t know how many months it took me to figure out to pay all of our necessary expenses first, then shop. Inevitably I would go to the store, stop a few places…
Conquering Frugality: Define Your Why
As we are on our journey to conquering frugality, the second step is to define your why. Our reasoning behind actions is the driving force to conquering it. For instance, if I want a new house because our family is growing my why will drive me to save. As I have stated before it takes…
Conquering Frugality: Set up Your No Spend Rules
Everyone wants to conquer frugality when the new year starts. Christmas has just passed and if you are like us, the bank account is low. Yes, we set up budgets, save our Christmas money in envelopes and do all the things. January always happens to be the month to start saving. Maybe it is the…
Frugal Cleaning Hacks That Will Save You Money
Frugal cleaning hacks are now ingrained in the basis of our home cleaning. Every Sunday night my family and I clean our home. This is the best time to do a reset and get everything clean. Through the week we are too busy. Each of us have a section to clean, but when we first…
Frugal Home Ways to Save on Your Heat Bill
So many frugal home tips exist on the internet today. One of the best ways to save money on a heat bill is to track. Research and track usage each month. Many year’s ago they were read about in books, or handed down from generation to generation. Really, in the last fifty year’s we have…
Frugal Home Ways to Save with Oven Cooking
Save Energy with a Convection Oven Frugal Home Convection ovens help to save energy because they circulate the hot air. Instead of surrounding the food, hot air cooks it faster at lower temperatures. We recently upgraded our stove to a convection oven, and first of all I can tell a huge difference in the cook…