When I had my first son I thought I knew it all. This parent thing was going to be easy. Some people told me that I was very lucky to have a boy. Some moms let me know that boys are easier to raise. Well, I am here to say that I am very happy with my boys. I have four of them. I don’t have a girl to compare in child-rearing, so on that I cannot comment. My boys are easy in some respect, but hard in other’s. Each year, they teach me so much about myself and I learn from them.
When it comes to raising sons a I have found that I must be gentle, yet firm. I am their teacher, advocate, mom, and nurturer. My husband has his role as a father that he teaches them. Boys learn from both mom an dad.
Boys will someday grow into men that will support, protect, and become leaders in their homes and communities. Parenting a boy means teaching them both sides of the coin. Love and Strength is important.
Now, this doesn’t mean they go around shouting out orders. Men can be firm, yet kind. They can also be leaders without leading a protest. Having them grow up to be good, decent men who love their family is important. Teaching them responsibility is important. Most of all teaching them to love and to be loved is good.
I want my sons to be loving Christian men who work and take care of their home. In order for boys to grow into leadership it must be taught. They have to come from a good home. A home that shows lots of love and plenty of balance. Surrounded by good, decent men who hold roles that show strong, yet kind leadership.
Easy ways to parent boys is to let them see responsible adults working together in situations. Allowing them to be with you as much as possible to model good parenting choices. That is how we will raise the next generation to make good decisions and hold a moral compass.
Teaching them to work well with siblings and resolve conflict with positive dialogue. Mom or dad working alongside of them daily to teach them and guide them. Someday, our son’s will work and guide their children and communities in the same way. Practicing what we preach is so vital as boys grow to be young men with homes of their own.
Modeling for boys is easy. We have to be good parents. Our conversations and interactions with others is highly important. Our boys’ watch everything we do. I know this because the other day my youngest son arranged his outside work bench just like his dad’s desk.
He wanted to be like dad. Fixing broken chairs with his tools, and measuring a board. He did all of these “pretend” actions because he saw his dad working this way.
Easy ways to parent boys is too let them see you working, loving, and leading in positive ways. Being there for them and the family each day. Home time and table time are two of the most important ways to interact and engage boys’. Spending time with them playing and not checking out because of a long day at work.
Raising boys means your home will be full of energy, excitement, trucks, cars and more.
Move out the coffee tables, breakables or decorations and give them room to get their energy out. Sit down and have fun with your boys.
Building relationships with boys’ that will NOT be broken as they age will be a huge parenting success. Parenting boys is easy if we strive to be good parents.
It is ok to let “no” mean no. Add in plenty of “yes” time. Seek out ways to grow relationships that will continue to nurture with age. Moms and Dads can give lots of love and guidance.
Enjoy them at every age because time is a thief and they will grow up.
Follow me on Instagram @momsarefrugal for more adventures in homeschooling, parenting and saving.
I have three boys (and no girls either) but I do love that I have a houseful of sons! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.