The best home businesses for frugal moms are ones that are low budget startup. No loans, only income producing with a bare minimum of costs. Hopefully offer the course of the net few weeks I can give you some relative information to assist in the steps to become an entrepreneur.
As I have stated in previous posts, my background is in business. I previously owned a residential cleaning service. In 2008 we had our second child and it became imperative that I stay home. Since then, I moved into the role of homeschool mom.
We did not have a lot of money with two more boys’ that arrived in the next six years’. Raising my income was important to have a little running money. Working at home is possible while keeping a strong focus on time with our children.
Personal Shopper Services to Offer
Fine tuning into a niche is imperative. Obtaining the right focus for the right clients saves money in marketing efforts. Wasted money is just what it is, wasted money. From day one, look in the direction of who you want to attract.
Decisions such as which market to enter is first before starting a business. In one such as this the choices are endless. Starting a grocery service for frugal moms is easy, and helpful to those who need it. Mainly senior citizens who can’t get around as well. As we saw a few year’s ago, this is a prime business to start as people are home more than they used to be.
Next is luxury items, gifts, toys and clothing. All of these services have a niche. People with discretionary income are the target of this market.
Business Plans for Frugal Moms
If your like me, with little wiggle room to throw into a business amid rising gas prices, it is still possible to grow a personal shopper business. Start with one customer, and grow. Learn everything and fine tune before growing.
Using this strategy helps with creating a bond and getting to know your client. People do business with people they know. Perfect customer service efforts before dreams of a high producing business.
Marketing Tips for Frugal Moms
Start small and grow through referrals and word of mouth. Frugal moms will have no investment, budget or income that has to allocated to marketing.This is a very low budget way to grow a business, and word spreads fast with quality over quantity efforts.
Legal Requirements for a Home Business
There are still the legalities of starting a business to be handled. First, obtain the appropriate license. This can be done with research online. Where we live there is a government center that allows for filing of a business.
Obtaining the correct business licenses up front saves time and effort down the road. Spend the money to be legal.
Finally, purchase all necessary insurance. Protect yourself and the clients. It is never a good idea to worry about the insurance later to save money. Proper startup involves bunching up the legal stuff into the beginning and ongoing costs. New car purchase isn’t necessary, utilize the vehicle that id your own. Moving up in car will happen as the income grows.
Enjoy the freedom that comes from being an entrepreneur. The road that is to come will be full of ups and downs, and never boring. For more ideas on frugal living Vishnu up for my newsletter.
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