If you use the excuse “I have small children” that won’t get you on track because I have them too, and I homeschool. Before that I was a single mom who worked and had to get my first son to school each day. But EVERYDAY I did my morning routine. It took all of 15 minutes, but that was done before my coffee.
My routines help to keep me sane and organized. No, not completely organized but they help me keep my head above water. Each night before I go to bed I listen to a Flylady podcast, read one of her email testimonials, or watch a youtube channel video. They help me to stay focused on my goal. You see I was introduced to the Flylady 10 years ago. Her system’s helped me to function as a single mom. I had limited time and resources so her idea to have routines set in place really worked for me.
Now my life has changed so much, and even though it is much busier I still use her routines. Routines work for families with newborns, large families, or grandparents. It is really a great concept to set a timer and work for 15 min.
My morning routine consists of get dressed to shoes, clean the bathroom, and make my bed. Those three chores allow my day to be more functional.
If you are floundering start small and just go to the Flylady website. Start a routine. The hard part is keeping to the routine. In every homemaking book I have read over the years a cleaning routine is recommended.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be done so that your home will be functional. If you are sick, or expecting a new baby, homeschooling, whatever just stay with the routine. If it is not something you can do ask for help, have the children split up the chores (it is good for them) and get it done.
Each one of my children have something they learn to do each day starting at age four. I start them with making their bed. This one simple chore gives them a focus for life. I don’t care how it is made and rarely is it perfect, but they are made. Ten years later my oldest who is 16 still gets up and without being told makes his bed and picks up his room each day.
A good way to start your routine is to plan a dinner. Invite some friends over or the Pastor of your church. This will give you motivation. It did me!
Many moms have different ways they clean the home. Sharing ideas back and forth gives help to those who need to start their routines. Can you dust a room in 2 min?
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