Welcome to Talk It Up Linkup Party! Come join us as we linkup our parenting, homeschool, homemaking,encouragement posts. No week will ever be the same but the knowledge we share to help other mothers’ on this journey will be priceless. Please no giveaway or other link party promotions. All posts should have appropriate content.
News for the Week:
It took us 15 hours to get home from our trip. That was the longest time to have 6 people piled into a car. But, we made it home.
We have been attending baseball lessons, karate and a little bit of homeschooling. We haven’t been doing too much just enough to stay refreshed before the actual school year starts.
The pool has not been visited since our arrival home due to rain, clouds and exhaustion on my part. I am hoping that next week we get into a more regular routine.
Enjoy the party and make sure you comment so the others’ know you have visited their blog!!!!
What will happen on this link party each week is:
I will feature one post that has had the most clicks, and recommend some of the other posts that have had a lot of interests from readers. Please tell your blog friends and pass around the news to join our link party each week at 7am on Thursday morning. It will be open for 3 days and will close Sun. at 8pm.
From last week, I would like to feature:
Ditch the Cleaning Schedule: Pick Up Better Habits
Better cleaning habits will actually help your home to stay cleaner. Habits are what makes me keep on top of everything in the home. Thanks mylittlerobins.com for submitting this post!
Comment on the post before yours, or after.
You may leave 2 posts that are different topics.
Please follow the hostess (me) on Pinterest.
I would be very happy if you can paste this button underneath the posts you link up to Talk It Up Friday
<a href=”https://www.momsarefrugal.com” rel=”nofollow” target=”_blank”>
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Thank you for hosting! And thanks again for featuring my post!