Thrifty moms’ shop all they time….thrifty moms save more and spend less. They are the ones that have all the nice clothes, toys and cars, but did not pay a lot for them. Before I had a family money was not object. Spending money and shopping were my two favorite hobbies. I was able to do that because literally I was my own dependent. Thrifty was not something that described me. But God does change us.
After having four children, a husband, food expenses, a home, bills and animals my middle name is now THRIFTY! I am still a work in progress, but today hopefully I can share a few of my helpful tips and tricks.
Shopping at Consignment Shops
Thrifty moms can have nice name brand clothes and shoes purchased at consignment shops. Seasonal times of the year are the best time to hit sales. My favorite days to shop are Fourth of July and Labor Day. For some reason I score with big savings on those 2 days.
I love to shop at the thrift stores for certain key items. Such as, a denim jacket, white shirt with a collar or sweaters. For me, it is like a scavenger hunt to see if I can find a matching outfit for below cost.
Searching for good items doesn’t happen all of the time. Therefore, regular visits when new inventory is on the floor is key.
Thrifty Moms Create A Meal Plan
Meal Plans are important in saving money for thrifty moms. They are also pivotal in eating healthier. When I go to the store without a plan that is when we end up having frozen corn dogs for dinner. Just like a schedule for my time, a meal plan is a schedule for our food. It is possible to not spend a ton of money if meals are planned, and extravagant.
Thrifty Moms Pay Their Household First
You are a bill. A family savings plan is a bill. The most important bill. Money per month added into the budget to pay yourself BEFORE any other bills. When the money is counted later, that extra little bit may put the family one step closer to financial freedom.
My family and I are able to take a vacation every year on one income, we take a mini vacation in December after the holidays, and hold onto a few memberships at various places because prices are ridiculous for a family of six.
Thriftiness takes discipline. Discipline takes planning. Both require the desire. People do not change anything about themselves unless they have the desire.
Buy Christmas and Birthday Gifts All Year
Saving time in lines at the holiday season is a win-win in my world. Thrifty moms have a list and shop for family members all year.
Not buying anything at all best way to have money to save. Even if it is a sale…..don’t buy it! Coming from a former shopaholic, why pay for something that will be decluttered later? Don’t. In the past few weeks I have tested this and found it to be true. At the end of the month after I did not eat out during the week, but had a scheduled day money was saved. Even though department stores sent me great discount coupons if I did not need anything then I resisted the store. Part of my discipline is to stay out of the stores.
Asking for a Discount
Have you ever called to make a reservation at a hotel and in the middle asking them what discounts they offer? Try it. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they do not. It never hurts to ask. The only person that loses is you if you do not ask.
Department stores, furniture stores and other places have rewards, discounts and other ways of saving money. Be confident when shopping. Have a list, and ask for a discount on all items at checkout.
Final Thoughts
There are so many ways thrifty moms have found to save money. Money is a commodity that makes life better and why not ours? My philosophy is ….if I don’t need it, don’t buy it. My desire was to take vacations and not live paycheck to paycheck. Many years later we are able to do this.
What is your philosophy? Are you a spender or saver? Let me know your thoughts.
I’ve practiced most of your great tips for years. I find buying presents when I find them on sale or clearance makes the holidays so much easier. #MMBC
I think when you become a parent you have to become thrifty. I love meal planning and it saves us so much money. I used to just buy what we fancied and didn’t have much for a meal and ended up with so much waste.
I used to be a spending but now I’m a saver now.
Parenting is definitely code for thrifty! Thanks for commenting ๐
Great tips! Meal planning is definitely a good money saver and fab for staying organised.
Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC.