Photo Credit :Ella Phillips |
Week at a glance is a glimpse into what I have accomplished this week, will change for next week, and plan for next week. I am going to try to post each Friday my “frugal finds”, weekly menu plans, homeschool plans etc. A new baby is on the way in a week, so our world and schedule may be a little off until we adjust. Hang in there and I will post as often as I can!
When I plan my menu’s for the next week I add only two days of meat meals. This is for two reasons, one to save on expense and two because I think it is healthier.
We do not buy our meat at the grocery anymore because my husband and I set a budget on what we want to save for the following year that involves our meat purchase in October. Once a month we put the allotted amount for the month in an envelope to save so that when purchase time comes it does not come out of our regular check. Since I am a stay at home mom, and he is an independent contractor this works well with sporadic checks.
Our meat that we purchase in bulk will last us a good 7-8 months. My meal planning also involves one night, one lunch, and one breakfast of eggs. We have some chickens so this helps in our grocery budget. It also helps with healthy meals for the kids. Finally, for the weekends in the winter I try to plan on slow cooker soup meal. Usually our family of five can eat a good day and a half on it, and the rest I will freeze unless it is potatoes.
My home planning consists of cleaning for the week, checking the laundry schedule, making sure all of the kids’ chores are done and they have been given their allowance. I also look over my large calendar that is on the fridge and coordinate our appointments and activities with my day planner.
When I put together my cleaning schedule I first check the closet and evaluate my supplies. At this time I will write what needs to be bought on the grocery board, what needs to be made on a list, and anything else that I deem necessary for cleaning. After that, I will walk through the house and look at all of the deep cleaning needs. I have certain days that I clean floors, do laundry and a basic housecleaning. Since I used to be a former house cleaner I know that my house may be a little dirty, but I have routines in place to keep it straight and tidy. It really helps to have certain days for cleaning floors and rooms etc. because it free’s up time for other items on a list or just a free afternoon. A long time ago I gave up the idea of a perfect home. It will NEVER happen!
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