Moms need to have perseverance when running the home. I firmly believe this task is not for the faint of heart. It is a job, and all tasks included build quite the resume. Perseverance is diligently working when you do not feel like it. Homemakers do not have easy jobs. Homeschooling homemakers have a hard job. Being a mom is hard sometimes because the hours are long. On the positive, the pay is great (I love the kisses and hugs).
After 7 years of entrepreneurship, I quit and came home to my blessings. I had no idea how to manage a home….all day. Not a few hours, but I was there all day and the kids wanted to eat breakfast and lunch. Even if I wasn’t hungry.
Naptime was great because I actually got to hear the TV, and it was my show. Not a cartoon.
My mind would have flashbacks of my mom and how she worked hard all day. The laundry was all done, ironing was completed, the dishes were washed, dried, and put away before bed. Oh, and she did this after each meal. Hard work looked easy from the outside. The realization of her hard work and perseverance came from me taking a walk in her shoes.
Boredom diminished when I began to actually manage my home. Each day that I started to make my bed a feeling of accomplishment crept over me. Then, I would clean the bath, put away the dishes and vacuum. Not much. Just a little each day. Perfection was not the goal. Managing my home well was the goal.
How To Have Perseverance
1. Manage the home like an office. Each day needs to have a start and end time. Add in lunch and a couple of breaks. If your children are homeschooled that needs to be first thing in the morning. Get the most important job done first. If moms are at home with preschoolers, or older children are at school then set up the day for work at home. Such as cleaning or projects.
2. Have certain jobs for each day. Monday is my quick cleaning day. For one hour I clean starting at the back of the house. At the end of one hour, cleaning stops and I move on to the next job. Gardening may be on Mondays, the job doesn’t matter, just the discipline to get it done.
3. Look at mom as the Chief Executive Officer of the home. Moms are the administrative assistant of the home. Moms will set up the activities, dinners, , playdates, appointments etc. Using a home management binder, calendar, or a notebook will help keep the home running efficiently like a business.
Perseverance in home management is getting the work done, and when obstacles pop up they get dealt with and handled. Days will not always run smoothly. Take the bad days in stride.
When a day runs smooth and it feels like an accomplishment, the next day may be chaos. Persevering moms keep this in mind and keep moving forward.
Are you a mom that perseveres and handles the day to day management of the home?
Fall seven times and stand up eight.
–Japanese Proverb
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